Category: Newsletter

  • Month 45, Version 2.0

    Month 45, Version 2.0

    Dear Miles, There is nothing worse as a parent than watching your child get hurt.  I’m not talking about the hurt that comes from stepping on a Lego or the hurt from bumping in to your sister’s elbow.  I’m talking about a hurt so great that for a moment my breath is ripped out of […]

  • Month 69

    Month 69

    Dear Olivia, Since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to have a family of my own.  Despite growing up in a house that was also the home of a daycare, you would think that would deter me from spending a bulk of my life surrounded by children but not even that experience […]

  • Month 44, Version 2.0

    Month 44, Version 2.0

    Dear Miles, I’m going to be blunt and flat out say that I think most other children are total and complete dicks.  Babies are ok and even some toddlers I’ll give a pass for not knowing any better but there appears to be something that happens to kids around six or so that makes them […]

  • Month 68

    Month 68

    Dear Olivia, Since you were a wee little lass, you have had the creative bug.  Since the age you could grasp things in your hand, you have been one with crayons.  Our kitchen table is always littered with various art supplies and don’t even get your father started on the crayons in the car.  You […]

  • Month 43, Version 2.0

    Month 43, Version 2.0

    Dear Miles, I occasionally get asked why I write monthly letters to you and Olivia and there are really two reasons.  One, I’m kind of an anxious person and have really horrifying fears and one of those fears is I will die at a young age.  I’ve had this fear since I was a little […]

  • Month 67

    Month 67

    Dear Sofia Dodd Olivia Grace, Five years old and you’re already critical over the things your dad and I have provided for you.  According to you, our house is too old, your clothes are too boring and your name just doesn’t fit you.  As a result, you have changed your name to Sofia for your […]

  • Month 42, Version 2.0

    Month 42, Version 2.0

    Dear Miles, One must learn that when they are accompanied by a small child, much like yourself, that one should limit the amount of fluids that particular child consumes.  This may seem like an odd thought but it’s really a rather important thing to remember unless you enjoy spending a great deal of time in […]

  • Month 66

    Month 66

    Dear Olivia, As I was glancing through some pictures of you, I couldn’t get over how much you have grown up lately.  Somewhere along the line, you took the leap from preschooler to big kid and I can’t help but feel a little melancholy about this.  WHERE DID THE TIME GO?!?  As I was watching […]

  • Month 41, Version 2.0

    Month 41, Version 2.0

    Dear Miles, You have once again started swimming lessons because I’m determined to have children who can safely maneuver around body of waters without arm floaties and tears.  Given how much you despise water, you can imagine my surprise to you actually enjoying yourself during your lessons and even getting to the point where you […]