O’Donnell Cup
Yesterday at the Alameda Flea Market, Ryan and I purchased a little treasure we have coined the O’Donnell Cup. I’m not fully aware how one will acquire this beauty but I sense drinking will be involved, perhaps some shouting, shoving and hair-pulling. People will feel victorious, tears will be shed, babies will be kissed – […]
Aversion to music
Have you ever heard a song that made you incredibly angry? I had one of those moments today when I heard Plain White T’s song 1,2,3,4. The lyrics aren’t offensive and it’s not because the song is sappy – there is just something about the song that makes me angry to my core. I don’t […]
Almost makes me wish I still worked in a cubicle. I said almost
For this blogger’s husband’s birthday, she borrowed her friend’s bear costume and boom box and hired a break dancer off craigslist to surprise him at work. Damn, I wish I would have thought of that.
Meet Headless Ted
I’m kinda liking this although would it be traumatizing for Miss O??
Where have I been??
I know I know, I was doing so good at first with the posts and all of a sudden, life got crazy! Olivia hardly takes a nap at all during the day and still can’t sit up so I have to entertain her while she’s awake or she has a meltdown. I haven’t even read […]
House Hunting
So I’m sure most of you have read from Ryan’s blog that the house hunting is under way and I think it’s safe to say that we’re already stressed. What’s odd is Ryan is stressed about the financials for once and I’m stressed about the location. We have found the most perfect houses – craftsmanstyle, […]
Oh no he didn’t!
This is a video of a clumsy best man knocking the bride into a pool during the ceremony – it’s truly a cringe-worthy video null – Watch more free videos