Land’s End Hiking Adventure
To those who follow my Instagram, know that we are busy folks. We can’t sit still and when we do have a free moment, we’re usually out exploring. Early last year, we discovered a love for hiking. It came at a time when we were cost-conscious (still are) and were looking for activities we could […]
Month 98 & 99
Dear Olivia, The holidays are over and despite it being my favorite time of year, I’m excited to send you and your brother back to school. I need routine like nobody’s business and when you’re both here at the house, asking what the plans are for the day, I stress. Not to mention you and Miles […]
Farewell 2016
As I reflect on 2016, I see a year filled with so many adventures. We took our first family trip to Europe, discovered a passion of hiking, continued our love affair with water and embarked on countless other adventures. This family has a really difficult time sitting still so I’m fairly certain 2017 will be just […]
Month 93
Dear Olivia, These last four weeks of summer have been hard. I’m not sure if it’s a combination of not having a routine or you miss your friends or it’s your age or you’re just being an asshole but these first weeks of summer have been difficult for you. It seems like I can’t do […]
#ostockdamhagen16 Part 5: Copenhagen
After the amazing week we had in Amsterdam, we said our farewells and departed for Copenhagen. We had another late flight but we remembered the Amsterdam airport having plenty to do so we decided to arrive a bit early and to do a little last minute souvenir hunting. By this time, my head cold was […]
#ostockdamhagen16 Part 4: Our Final Days in Amsterdam
Our last full day in Amsterdam gave us a chance to tackle a few things that we didn’t get a chance to check out during the week. After a quick breakfast, we walked across the bridge to the NEMO Science Museum that received rave review from fellow Amsterdam visitors.
#ostockdamhagen16 Part 3: More Amsterdam!
The third day of our stay in Amsterdam also happened to by mine and Ryan’s 10 year wedding anniversary! What better way to spend your wedding anniversary than to look at hundreds of varieties of tulips. Ok, I can think of a few things but we’re in freakin Amsterdam in spring!
#ostockdamhagen16 Part 2: Amsterdam
Amsterdam, I have all the heart eyes for you. After seeing countless photos of all the beautiful canal houses and reading all about the wonderful things the city had to offer, I was beyond excited for the time we planned to spend there. I will miss the expressions people would make when I told them […]
#ostockdamhagen16 Part 1: Stockholm
I had the greatest of intentions to blog while we were traveling on our whirlwind Scandinavian trek but failed completely. We returned a couple days ago and after recovering from some of the worst jet lag I have ever experienced, I’m ready to share with you all the wonderful/crazy/stressful/exciting details of our journey.