Month 36, Version 2.0
Dear Miles, We did it, we made it to 3 years old. I emphasize “we” because I really wasn’t sure whether both of us would make it out alive after the last year we experienced together. With all due respect, we should very much be celebrating three years of you but as a parent, I’ve […]
Month 35, Version 2.0
Dear Miles, I regret my decision a little bit about not sending you to school this year. I was so worried given your speech issues and your fly-off-the-handle personality that I was worried that if I started you in school too early, that you wouldn’t necessarily get off on the right foot and thus screw […]
Month 33 & 34, Version 2.0
Dear Miles, I would like to start this post off with an apology. You have had quite a few spills and bumps over the course of your life and it happens so often that many times, I typically just shrug it off as another occurrence. I will be the first to admit that I need […]
Month 32, Version 2.0
Dear Miles, I used to think that once a person became a parent, they somehow became part of this secret society. A network of people; fellow parents who had your back in a time of need because let’s face it, parenting is anything but easy. Parenting is a battle and kids have a way of […]
Month 31, Version 2.0
Dear Miles, I have always been concerned with your delayed speech but there was also a little part of me that was like, why rush? You will learn to talk and when you do, you won’t shut up. I remember specifically with Olivia sharing these same sentiments. I remember wanting for her to speak and […]
Month 30, Version 2.0
Dear Miles, I have heard the term strong-willed child and some even say, “oh, I see you have an independent child there.” These are polite ways of saying basically that your kid is a brat. It’s true, I’m the parent of a brat. You, right now at this moment are textbook brat. Does it mean […]
Month 29, Version 2.0
Dear Miles, Thank you for flooding the bathroom this morning. I’ve been given the gift of time now that you wake me up every day bright and early at 6am and I was actually asking myself, what to do with all this time? Yes, trying to stop poop water before it penetrates the carpet is […]
Month 28, Version 2.0
Dear Miles, You’ve got potty fever, boy. You have become borderline obsessed with the potty – it seems to be the only thing you want to do and the only thing you can talk about. I’ve seen you strut over to cute little girls at the park; hands clasped behind your back as you bashfully […]
Month 27, Version 2.0
Dear Miles, I need to start off this post by asking you how you are doing? You must be an adult by now, reading these entries and I hope future you is well and happy because two year old you leads me to believe that you are anything but. I feel that a popular rant […]