What Do You Want To Be When You Grow Up?
DISCLAIMER: I’ve had a lot of coffee today and sometimes my thoughts are faster than my typing ability so there might an overabundance of rambling in this post.
My sincere apologies to those that I offended with my recent blog post. My intent with this blog was never to hurt anyone’s feelings with the exception of guilt-riddled rants directed towards my children (I kid, I kid).
Happy Father’s Day Part 2
And of course to the love of my life, Ryan. You are an amazing Father. You have had your fair share of frustrations and tears but I see the way Olivia looks at you and it is pure love and admiration. You can make her laugh harder than anyone else and I know for a […]
Happy Father’s Day Part 1
Dad, you have showed me that one person is capable of displaying an immense amount of patience and love. Patience is something I struggle with each day with Olivia and Miles and I often think back and wonder how you did it. I recall one late evening when I was around nine years old, I […]
Stay-at-home mom salary: $117,856
I read an interesting article today in SF Gate about what a stay-at-home mother would make if in fact she were getting paid. Salary.com surveyed some 28,000 moms to determine how their days were made up. These tasks were then compared with paying jobs in the workforce to determine what moms would be paid for […]
Taking Action on Resolution
The resolution has begun as I have purchased one of the classics I will be reading this year. I have selected the classic, “Wuthering Heights” which Tim immediately asked, “Isn’t that a boring story” and I replied, “aren’t all classics boring?” My reasoning for selecting this particular story is two-fold; one, it’s the story Phoebe […]
2010, here we go again
So I’m usually not one with the New Years resolutions. I decided to bid adieu to the resolution phenomenon awhile back when I would always proclaim the general superficial statement, “I’m going to lose 5 pounds!” Bleh, lame and unfortunately I’m not the only one that makes this proclamation because anyone that belongs to a […]
Life’s purpose, are you out there?
We just finished watching “Julie & Julia” and it was everything I thought it would be and more. It comes at the most perfect time when I find myself in the same dilemma as the two women depicted in the movie. Both lost, uncertain what to do with their lives. It’s comforting to know that […]