Month 69
Dear Olivia, Since I was a little girl, I knew I wanted to have a family of my own. Despite growing up in a house that was also the home of a daycare, you would think that would deter me from spending a bulk of my life surrounded by children but not even that experience […]
Month 68
Dear Olivia, Since you were a wee little lass, you have had the creative bug. Since the age you could grasp things in your hand, you have been one with crayons. Our kitchen table is always littered with various art supplies and don’t even get your father started on the crayons in the car. You […]
Month 67
Dear Sofia Dodd Olivia Grace, Five years old and you’re already critical over the things your dad and I have provided for you. According to you, our house is too old, your clothes are too boring and your name just doesn’t fit you. As a result, you have changed your name to Sofia for your […]
Month 66
Dear Olivia, As I was glancing through some pictures of you, I couldn’t get over how much you have grown up lately. Somewhere along the line, you took the leap from preschooler to big kid and I can’t help but feel a little melancholy about this. WHERE DID THE TIME GO?!? As I was watching […]
Month 65
Dear Olivia, Kindergarten registration is quickly approaching and I’ve been dreading this day since you were a wee little girl. Not only is this an extremely painful reminder that you’re growing up way too fast, it also requires me and dad to make some really hard decisions regarding the future of your education. We’re fortunate […]
Month 64
Dear Olivia, Rarely do I get an opportunity to exploit your weaknesses for my own personal gain but you can bet on the fact that when the opportunity arises, I take it. I’m sure you’re asking yourself, weaknesses?! Me?! Yes, all children have weaknesses. In fact, children are largely little weak souls wandering around, causing […]
Month 63
Dear Olivia, I just finished packing up the rest of the holiday decorations today and this day always leaves me feeling a bit sad. I love Christmas and all the obnoxious, cheesy, bedazzled hoopla that surrounds it. For the month of December and part of November, I do my best to suffocate myself with Christmas. […]
Month 62
Dear Olivia, I knew raising a daughter would not come easy for me. In fact, the idea of having a daughter scared me so much that I decided to keep the sex a surprise when I learned I was pregnant. I was not an overly feminine girl nor could I easily relate to other girls. […]
Month 61
Dear Olivia, This post comes to you from a much calmer version of myself and no, I’m not being sarcastic. Thank you for knowing me so well though. I can’t say this was entirely true a couple weeks back when a very tired and anxious version of myself walked in to your pediatricians office with […]