Month 22
Dear Olivia, Things are getting quite intense in the O’Donnell household as the impending arrival of #2 draws closer. As each day passes, I get more and more nervous about the arrival of #2 since each day you become more and more of a toddler. Your volume control is certainly broken and you have developed […]
Month 21
Dear Olivia, I want to start this post by apologizing. I need to apologize for a horrible habit you picked up from me and it is by total accident that it has been passed on to you. You have started the habit of swishing your drinks. It is a horrible habit that began for me […]
Month 20
Dear Olivia, With my second pregancy already half way thru(!), I have a few things that need to get done around the house. 1. Potty training and 2. Bidding adieu to your beloved binky. Both are huge mountains that I vow to tackle before #2 arrives. Btw, I’m seriously considering naming your sister/brother number 2 […]
Month 19
Dear Olivia, You are becoming quite the little person filled with so much personality that it’s hard to imagine a time when you were nothing but a lump in a bassinet. You’re definitely becoming your own person – you want no help whatsoever when going down stairs. It’s one of those moments that tugs at […]
Month 17 and 18
Holy Cow – I missed a month! That’s ok, you were equally troublesome in both months. I’m just going to go ahead and label this time period “The Dark Era.” I remember at your last doctor’s appointment the doctor asking me how everything was going and I smiled and said things couldn’t be better – […]
Month 16 Revised
Dear Olivia, Ok . . . so my month 16 post may have been a little dark and maybe I seemed a little bitter but truth be told, you’ve been pushing my limits recently and I constantly have to remind myself to just take a deep breath and this moment will pass soon. There are […]
Month 16
I’m not quite sure who coined the term “Terrible Two’s” but I really think it should be “Terrible Sixteen Months.” To say this month has been tough would be an understatement. You’ve reached a point when you know what you want but you don’t have the vocabulary yet so you go around pointing and screaming/crying. […]
Month 15
Should I be concerned that when you see a bracelet, you instinctively put out your hand? That’s right, you LOVE jewelry. I usually take you in to my bedroom with me when I brush my teeth or change my clothes and you always beeline straight to my jewelry box where you pull out every beaded […]
Month 14
This post may seem a little upbeat since right before I put you to bed just now, you kissed me back for the first time. I’m not talking about the open mouth sloppy stamp you’ve been leaving on my cheek since month 6 but a full on pucker to my lips. It’s seriously these swoon […]